B2B MERCHANTS LIST - refers to a curated list or directory of merchants or businesses that participate in a specific B2B network or platform. This list contains essential information about each merchant, such as their name, description, category, and other relevant details. The purpose of the B2B Merchants List is to facilitate transactions, partnerships, and collaborations between businesses within the network or platform. It serves as a valuable resource for businesses seeking to connect with other merchants in a targeted and efficient manner, promoting effective B2B interactions and fostering business growth.

CONNECTION STATUS - Connection Status refers to the current status of the connection or relationship between the inviting entity (platform or program) and the invited merchant in a business-to-business (B2B) context, allowing for effective management and tracking of the invitation process. It represents the progress or outcome of the invitation process and indicates the state of the connection between the two parties. The Connection Status can take on one of the following values:

  • PENDING - This status indicates that the invitation has been sent to the merchant, but the connection or partnership has not yet been established. The invited merchant is in the process of considering the invitation or taking the necessary steps to join the platform or network.
  • CONNECTED - This status signifies that the invitation has been accepted, and the merchant has successfully joined the platform or network. The connection is established, and the merchant is actively participating in the B2B ecosystem.
  • REJECTED - This status indicates that the invitation has been declined or rejected by the merchant. The merchant has chosen not to join the platform or network, and the connection between the parties has not been established.

INVITE MERCHANT - Invite Merchant refers to the action of inviting a merchant or business to join a platform, network, or program specifically designed for business-to-business (B2B) interactions. This invitation is extended by the platform or the entity managing the B2B ecosystem to potential merchants who meet certain criteria or are identified as potential partners. The purpose of inviting merchants is to expand the network of participants, facilitate collaborations, and enable mutually beneficial business relationships. Inviting a merchant typically involves sending an invitation through a formal communication channel, providing relevant information about the platform or program, outlining the benefits of participation, and inviting the merchant to join and become part of the B2B ecosystem.

MERCHANT CATEGORY - Merchant Category refers to a classification or categorization that assigns a specific merchant or business into a particular industry or field. It helps to organize and group merchants based on the nature of their products, services, or business focus. Examples of common merchant categories include Channel, Hotel, Retail, Restaurant, Service, and so on. The merchant category is useful for filtering and searching specific types of merchants based on their industry or specialisation, making it easier for businesses or users to find relevant merchants for their specific needs.

MERCHANT DESCRIPTION - Merchant Description refers to a brief summary or explanation that provides information about the nature, offerings, or characteristics of a specific merchant or business. It is a textual description that highlights key features, products, services, or unique selling points of the merchant. The merchant description is typically used to provide potential business partners or customers with an overview of what the merchant offers and what sets them apart from others in the market. It helps to convey the value proposition of the merchant and attract interest or attention from potential collaborators or customers.

MERCHANT NAME - Merchant Name refers to the name or title by which a specific merchant or business is identified. It is typically the official or registered name of the merchant or the name they operate under in their business transactions. The merchant name serves as a unique identifier to distinguish one merchant from another within a B2B network or platform, facilitating communication, collaboration, and business transactions between different entities.


B2B COUPONS LIST - refers to a curated list or directory of merchants or businesses that participate in a specific B2B network or platform. This list contains essential information about each merchant, such as their name, description, category, and other relevant details. The purpose of the B2B Merchants List is to facilitate transactions, partnerships, and collaborations between businesses within the network or platform. It serves as a valuable resource for businesses seeking to connect with other merchants in a targeted and efficient manner, promoting effective B2B interactions and fostering business growth.

COUPON ID - Coupon ID refers to a unique identifier assigned to a specific coupon. It is a numerical or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the coupon within a system or database. The Coupon ID is used to track and reference the coupon for various purposes, such as redemption, reporting, and management. Each coupon will have a distinct Coupon ID, allowing it to be uniquely identified and distinguished from other coupons. The Coupon ID serves as a reference point to retrieve and manage coupon-related information and activities.

COUPON CODE - Coupon code is a sequence of numbers used to redeem a discount, special offer, or promotion offered by a business. It is usually a unique code that is entered during the checkout process on a website or presented to a cashier in-store. The coupon code is validated and applied to the customer's purchase, resulting in a discount or other promotional offer being applied to the transaction.

COUPON NAME - Coupon is the name of the coupon, will be printed on a coupon.

AVAILABILITYrefers to the number of coupons that are currently accessible or obtainable for use by B2B customers or partners. It represents the quantity or count of coupons that are still available for distribution, redemption, or allocation within a B2B coupon program. Coupon availability helps determine the remaining inventory of coupons that can be utilized by B2B participants. It ensures that the B2B merchants or businesses can track and manage the availability of coupons to ensure proper distribution and timely utilization by their B2B customers.

ISSUED QTY - refers to the number of coupons that have been distributed or issued to customers by the assigned B2B merchant. It represents the actual quantity of coupons that have been provided to customers by the B2B merchant based on their allocated coupon availability. The issued quantity reflects the number of coupons that have been successfully delivered or made available to customers for redemption or use. It helps track the number of coupons that have been distributed to customers and can be used as a measure of coupon utilization or effectiveness.

REDEEMED QTY - refers to the number of coupons that have been successfully used or redeemed by customers. It represents the count of coupons that have been presented and exchanged for discounts, offers, or other promotional benefits. The redeemed quantity reflects the actual usage of coupons by customers. Tracking the redeemed quantity helps businesses assess the performance and impact of their coupons, understand customer behavior, and measure the success of their marketing initiatives.

STATUSThe status of a coupon refers to its current state, indicating whether it is active or inactive. An active coupon is available for both issuance and redemption, allowing customers to receive and redeem it as intended. However, if a coupon is in an inactive status, it is temporarily disabled and cannot be issued to customers, even if there are remaining available coupons. Nevertheless, any coupons that have already been issued and are in customers' possession can still be redeemed within their validity period.


DETAILS - View refers to a functionality or action that allows users to access and display comprehensive information about the coupons that have been issued to customers. By selecting or clicking on "View," users can retrieve a detailed overview of each coupon, including its unique coupon number and status. This feature enables users to review and track the status of individual coupons, distinguishing between those that have been issued (but not yet redeemed) and those that have been successfully redeemed. By accessing the details, users can obtain specific information about each coupon, monitor its usage, and gain insights into the effectiveness and performance of their coupon distribution efforts.

SERIAL SPONSORED BYrefers to an option or setting that allows the merchant to determine whether they want to display their merchant name on the coupon that they are assigned to. It provides the flexibility for the merchant to showcase their brand or indicate their involvement in offering the coupon. By setting the option into "Active", the merchant's name will be prominently displayed on the coupon, giving them visibility and recognition as the sponsor or provider of the coupon.

REQUEST LOCATION - refers to a list of specific locations that are requested by the merchant to the assigned merchant for the purpose of issuing or redeeming a coupon. The merchant can send a location request to the assigned merchant, specifying certain locations where the coupon can be issued or redeemed. If the assigned merchant accepts the request location for issuing, it means that the coupon can only be issued at those specified locations. Similarly, if the assigned merchant accepts the request location for redeeming, it means that the coupon can only be redeemed at those specified locations. This feature allows for greater control and restriction on where the coupon can be issued or redeemed based on the agreement between the merchants involved.

ACCEPTED LOCATION - refers to the list of locations where the assigned merchant has agreed to either issue or redeem a coupon based on the location request sent by the requesting merchant. When the assigned merchant accepts the location request, they will specify the specific locations where the coupon can be issued or redeemed. These accepted locations serve as the authorized places where the coupon can be utilized or redeemed by customers. It provides clarity and ensures that the coupon is only valid and applicable at the agreed-upon locations as per the arrangement between the merchants involved.