To show user the steps of creating Gift Coupon
Coupon Management Access rights
1. Go to Coupon Listing > Actions > Add Coupon
2. In Coupon Details > Fill in * Mandatory Fields
- Coupon Market : Select B2C or B2B Coupon
- Coupon Type : Select Free Coupon or Charge Coupon
- Coupon Name : Enter the name of the coupon
- Description : Enter detailed information of the coupon
- Coupon Value : Choose "Value" or "Percentage"
- Face Value : Value of the Coupon
- Book Value : Original selling price
- Coupon Drawdown : Select "Yes" ( This has to be set as "Yes" in order to create Gift Coupon)
- Coupon Drawdown Value : Select "Prefix" or "Suffix" ( "Prefix"- can put any symbol, such as "$" ; "Suffix" - can put like "Points"). * If the Value set as 10, means the Gift Coupon worth $10 in total, customer can redeem any amount ($1 to $10) until the balance becomes $0. [For example, 1st time he redeems $2, so the balance becomes $10-$2=$8; the 2nd time he redeems $5, then balance becomes $8-$5=$3; for the 3rd time if customer redeems $4, system will prompt error as insufficient balance, he can only redeem $3. Once the balance becomes $0, then this Gift Coupon is no longer valid.]
- Terms & Conditions : The terms & conditions for using the coupon
- Validity Start Type : Choose "Start Date" or "Start Days"
- Validity Expiry Type : Choose "Expiry Date" or " Expiry Days"
- Expiring Notification Flag : Active or Deactivated
- Per Download Qty : This is the quantity of coupon received for every download. It can't be changed.
- Total Allocate Qty : The total available quantity for download. This quantity can’t be changed later, but user still can add quantity.
- Daily Issuing Limit : The quantity of coupon which can be downloaded per day.
- Daily Redeem Limit : The quantity of coupon which can be redeemed per day.
- Total Redeem Limit : This is the total available quantity for redemption.
- Low Inventory Notification : Active or Deactivated
- Display Redeemable Qty : Active or Deactivated
- Select Operator (Issue/Redeem) : Click "Select"
- Select location > Click "Save"
- Click Submit & Back
11. Image : Click "Select Images" and upload the photo to be appeared in the coupon. User can upload more than 1 photos.
- GTIN Barcode : If product is promoted, user can enter product barcode for future analysis use.
- Video URL : If Video URL is entered, there will have a button ‘Watch’ shown in Coupon Download Page, consumer can see the video after clicking the button.
- Online Redeem Code : This redeem code will be shown in downloaded coupon, consumer can enter this code in the merchant’s online shop to get discount.
- Online Shop URL : If there has Online Shop URL, there will have a link called ‘Redeem Online’ shown in downloaded coupon, consumer can click this link to get to merchant’s online shop.
- Success Redirect URL : After coupon is downloaded, the screen will be forwarded to this URL.
- Custom Data : This is for system integration use.
- Reference No : Enter any reference when necessary.
- Remarks : Enter any remarks when necessary ( For internal reference )
- Tags : Enter tags if necessary
- Direct Download : Active or Deactivated
- Overwrite Expired Redemption : Choose "Active" or "Deactivate"
- Transfer Coupon : Choose "Active" or "Deactivate", Active = Coupon is transferable; Deactivate= Non transferable
- Publish : If ‘Publish’ is set to ‘Deactivated’, Coupon Download Page will not be shown after clicking Coupon URL. Nevertheless, downloaded coupon still can be redeemed.
- Status : If this field is set "Deactivated", those Issued and Valid Coupons can be processed to Redeem or Void. Issuing coupons are not allowed.
- Click "Add"
Outcome - Successful
- Gift coupon is created