- Showing the steps to set up PayPal Payment Gateway
Part A
#1. Log in to your PayPal Business account via "http://www.paypal.com".
#2. For existing PayPal user, please input User and Password. For new PayPal user, please sign up for an account.
#3. Click the "setting" tab. If you haven't already done so, you need to verify your account before requesting API credentials. And select "Business Setup".
#4. Select "Option A" and "Set up API credentials".
#5. Select "Add or Edit API Permission".
#6. Select "Option 2" and "View API Signature".
#7. Expand the "API Username", "API Password" and "Signature" by clicking "Show". Copy the information to the PayPal Setup fields in the Mezzofy Payment Setup and Save.
Create a Charge Coupon and Test the payment and verify in your PayPal account.
Part B
#1 Go to PayPal Developers Website home page. Link: https://developer.paypal.com/
#2 Then Login to the dashboard.
- 2a) You can log in with your mobile number using OTP and set up your profile by adding basic details.
#3 Go to “[Your Name]“, then go to “Dashboard” in the top right corner.
#4a You select "LIVE"
#4b Click on “Create App“ to create your new app.
#5 Fill in the details for the new app and create a new app. A new screen will open.
- 5a) Enter App Name: Mezzofy
- 5b) Select App: Merchant
- 5c) Click on Create App
#6 Here you can get your Client ID of your PayPal account.