- Enable user to add product in catalogue
- Catalogue Management Access Rights
- Coupon Created and Allocated
1. Go to Catalogue > Product > Actions > Add Product
2. Select Coupon to be added > Click Assign
In Product Details, fill in all * Mandatory Fields
3. Coupon Code: Coupon assigned / added to this product
4. Coupon Market : Coupon type upon creating
5. Product Name : Enter name of the product
6. Product Description : Enter any description / further information of the product
7. Selling Price : Enter selling price of the product
8. Original price: Enter original price (Optional)
9. Terms & Conditions : Enter terms and conditions
10. Image : Upload image of the product, beware of the size of the image
11. GTIN Barcode : Enter Barcode (if any)
12. Tags : Enter tags (if any)
13. Publish : Select “Active” or “Deactivate”
14. Click “Add" > Done